The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Saturday, September 22, 2012

SK Tennessee Shower SURPRISE!

What could a girl ask for....3 really great sisters that love me no matter what.  Here I am having my 3rd child but finally a girl and they shower me with PINK!  I loved everything I received and all the surprises.  It was a perfect shower with just the 3 of us and mama Bean (and Camille and Calese of course).  I love these girls to the moon and back.  Sigma Kappa love always.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Nate and the class dog Max

Nate classroom has a pet dog named Max.  Max gets to go home with you for the weekend and you take pictures of his adventure and share it with the class on Monday in a notebook.  Well when Nate brought him home I was like oh geez the weekend that I am out of town.  So Maw got the pleasure of taking care of Max in Monroe.  I bet Max has never been there before.  Here are some photos we took at home before his weekend with Maw.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Play ball Nate!

First of all I would like to give kudos to coaches that teach 4 year old boys.  These boys have an attention span of 2-3 minutes.  Keeping them focused is so hard.  Nate did a good job for his first time at a sport.  He got better and better by the end of the season.  He even scored a few times.  The pics above are his first hit, first time on base and first score.  Go Nate!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Waving hello

Here is our baby girl waving hello.  26 weeks today. 10 more weeks of progesterone shots. She weighs 2lbs 2oz and a week ahead. Life is good!