The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Friday, April 30, 2010

24 months and new things with Nate

I can't believe this is my last post on new things with Nate. The past 2 years have been so incredible with him. He is such a loving child. He is the apple of my eye. We celebrated his birthday with Grandparents and Aunts with a "Icky" party. It was a huge success and Mommy and Daddy made his cake from scratch. Turned out pretty cute.

Today we had his 2 year check up. He actually did so well with the shots I am shocked. Hardly cried at all. It was Wes that was having a meltdown at the time we were doing everything. He didn't grow that much since 18 months. The dr said with all his stomach issues he is glad that we haven't decreased our numbers. I knew he has grown a little but not a lot. They didn't give me his % because I think Wes was melting so bad. Here are his stats:

Height: 34 3/4 inches
Weight: 26 pounds
Head: 52 (I think this is what she said)

Here are the 24 new things about Nate:

1) Throwing when angry has begun. Watch out he might have a professional baseball arm like his daddy ;)
2) He is coming up with new words all the time. On his birthday with my dad and stepmom we were talking outside and all of the sudden clear as day Nate says "Hey Everybody"
3). One night I was trying to get a bowl down and they came tumbling down. I yelled out "I got it!". Well this is all that Nate can say now very clearly "I GOT IT MA MA"
4). We started swim lessons and he is the only boy in class. He really doesn't care about kicking and blowing bubbles. He wants to do his own thing. But he is jumping off the side very cautiously.
5). He now has to sleep with his sleepsack backwards during nap time. He knows how to take it off and is almost able to get out of the crib. Mommy is not ready for big boy bed yet since she has to go back to work very soon.
6). His new thing with Wesley is to go up to him and move his arms and sing/talk to him.
7) He likes patting Wesley on the head very gently and say "ok Wesley"
8). Now when we go to get him in the crib he runs back and forth and plays games for us to get him
9). His new phrase to go and catch him is "Going to get you". Funny because he runs away for you to chase him
10). He now knows the threats of time out. He will sit in it until you get him. He will give you a hug and say "orry Mama"
11). One day I was giving Wes a bath and he put foam letters in his bath tub for him. He picked them up and said the correct letters! I was speechless.
12). We put up letters in his room of his name and he constantly spells the letters.
13). He cut both of his top eye teeth in less than 2 weeks. That was sleepless nights.
14). Now when I take him to school he doesn't cry as much but he lays on the ground before going into the classroom
15). When we walk anywhere (store, yard) he will stop and just lay on the ground. Not really good when your in a parking lot and trying to cross the street.
16). Now likes to take his diaper off when you don't have anything over them.
17). He now can point to his knees. His favorite body part is still his toes.
18). He now likes to hide stuff. I found him putting things in the garbage, sticking things between the headboard and mattress and the washing machine. Makes life really interesting.
19). When he has something he isn't suppose to have he will run with it and hide it where he can find his first hiding place. Funny because I am right behind him and can see him.
20). Went to the petting zoo and he saw a sheep and he went "BAAAAAaaaa"
21). Now when he sees people he knows he will say their names: Maw (my mom), Gammy and Papa (brad's parents) and Kristin
22). When he is ready to go he looks at me and says "bye bye"
23). I caught him trying Gabbie's food again. He is such a picky eater but he will eat dog food. He did spit it out ;)
24). He will stand at the door with me when letting out Gabbie and he will say "Go Abbie. NOOOOOOWWW". Learned that from me ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Walmart disaster

So I had to mark this one down for the records. Yesterday started off on the wrong foot with Nate waking up at 4am. His eye tooth finally broke through that morning (only 3 more to go!). So I decided to pack the kids up that morning to go to Walmart to buy party supplies and cake ingredients for Nate's 2nd birthday. Nate was already cranky and I put Wes in the Baby Bjorn so I could actually fill up the cart area with stuff. So here I am pushing the cart with one hand due to Wes crying and I am holding the pacifier in his mouth. Trying to get Nate satisfied by giving him anything to play with so I don't hear the whining. So here I am dancing in the isle with Wes while looking for cake ingredients and I hear this sound. I turn around and Mr. Nate has turned over the DOZEN eggs into the cart. All but 4 broke. I am saying "bad boy". He starts crying which leads Wes to start crying because I am not dancing and putting the paci in the mouth. So I shove the eggs back into the carton and wipe up all the egg stuff on all my groceries. I proceed to the egg isle again and put back the broken eggs and get a new carton. Yep I was that MOM! I needed to get out of there and FAST! Both kids were MELTING and Mommies was about too! I have already asked God for forgiveness.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wes 2 month stats

Wes went to the dr today and got his first round of shots. Lets just say he didn't take it very well. He wasn't a happy camper. But he is looking good and growing strong. Here are his monthly 2 month stats:

Weight 8 lbs 13 3/4 oz 3%
Height 21 1/4 inches 3-10%
Head 37.9 cm 10-25%

Easter with the boys

We had a great Easter. Good Friday I took the boys to a friends house that was having an Easter egg hunt. I only had to show Nate a couple of times what to do. He took each egg and would shake it to see if there was something inside. Then he would hand me the egg to open it. There were times he would steal eggs out of other kids basket because he didn't know better. Then Saturday morning we had the boys yearly photo's taken from Jodylynn Photography. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Then we packed up and went to my mom's house. We did an Easter egg hunt at her house as well. Mom filled her eggs with animal crackers and goldfish. We spent the night at my mom's (ended up with everyone in 1 bed by the morning--FUN) and went to her church. She kept the nursery while we went to church. We headed back that afternoon and had dinner with Gammy & Papa. Nate & Wes had a very blessed Easter.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Wes is 2 months old

Wow this one came fast! Wes is starting to smile and lots of more eye focus. We did have his GI specialist on the 25th of March and I was shocked that he already weighed over 8 lbs! He is still having issues with his tummy and acid reflux but we just take it day by day. He is now out of Preemie clothes and grown into size 1 diapers. We are still trying to figure out what color eyes he is going to have. They seem to be going to the blue side but I don't think they will blue as his brother. At nights for the past few nights he has slept from 9-2. Then he still eats every 3 hours all other feedings.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

23 months and new things with Nate

OK I have to hold back the tears with this one because I can't believe my little man will be 2 years old next month. Now I have to find the time to make his "Ickey" birthday party a huge success!

Here are new things with Nate...
1. When you start singing a song and he doesn't want to hear it he will shake his head and scream and then spit. Very funny!
2. He is into picking out body parts and saying them. I caught him in his crib one day singing Head Shoulder knees and toes. He will point to his head, toes, eyes, ears, and nose. He will skip his shoulders, knees and mouth.
3. He likes to mimic the songs on TV. He will now sing all the words and do a dance with it. I caught him the other day pointing to his head to "think about it" with Imagination movers
4. He loves his toes. He will say toes all the time. He will even try "this little piggy went to market"
5. Bubbles bubbles bubbles...he loves playing with them and hates it when he can't hold the bottle. He tries his hardest to blow his own bubbles
6. takes Wes pacifer and sucks it. I really don't like this one but I know he is just trying to get attention.
7. Will point out Wes's body parts and say them. Not good when he goes for the eyes with his pointer finger.
8. He is finally expanding his food tastings. His new fav is purple grapes. Still working on those veggies.
9. Now can sip out of a hard top sippy cup.
10. He loves stealing my chick-fil-a cup and drink all my diet lemonade
11. He is doing much better with a spoon and has stopped sometimes turning it upside down before he sticks it in his mouth. Everytime he turns it upside down it all falls out.
12. Loves to play with playdoe
13. Now that it is so pretty outside and not raining he asks to go outside all the time. I feel bad when the weather conditions are good for Wes and we can't go out and play.
14. He loves to turn around in a circle and dance
15. He is into shaking his head from side to side. Don't get this one but it is funny to watch.
16. He loves water so much that he has stuck his head in the dog water bowl.
17. He will turn on our tub water so he can stick his toothbrush under it and get water
18. When he sees Chick-fil-a he will say french fri - not good
19. He now knows what Time-out is. We will sit him on the front circle rug and sit him there for almost 2 min. He will sit and whine and then we will come over and explain and he gives us a hug and says sorry.
20. He is doing so much better with school. I will drop him off and he will cry at first but he is finally participating in class. And of course when I pick him up he will cry when he sees me.
21. He loves to play with keys and take them to his car and says to us "bye bye"
22. He is now in 2T clothes. He had a major growth spurt this month and his pants are a lot shorter
23. He is getting his eye teeth and they are a bear! They are right there on the top.