The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nate is getting tubes

I wish I could turn back the clock to get my baby Nate back. No more baby left in this boy!

Update on Nate...we are getting tubes. We have had ear infections after ear infections this year. I had a gut feeling that something was up and decided against going back to the Dr for 2 week ear check that we will go to the ENT instead. So glad I listened to those angels above. His ears were still filled with fluid. No infection but just a lot of fluid. This is why he is crying through the night. I can't remember a morning he doesn't wake up not crying and when you go in there he has his finger in his ears. I know this has to be so painful. We also looked at his anoids since he is an open mouth breather. They turned out they are medium. So we won't be taking those out at this time. The hearing test that was taken was the same as Wes. Nate did not pass. It is so heartbreaking with your son sitting on your lap and he doesn't turn his head when he is suppose too. So tubes on April 21st and after that we will see if his hearing improves and we are also hoping his speech. He has a ton of words but he doesn't have a lot of sentences. Most of the time it takes you several times to understand what he is saying. I noticed since the fluid and the March ear infections he is talking more gibber jabber. If this doesn't improve after the tubes we will have to go to speech therapy.

The words that Nate does have now are so cute to me. Now when he wants me to hold him he will say "Mama great big hug". If something isn't working correctly or wrong he will say "something wrong". He now knows what feeling "cold" means. He will say "cold. Great big hug mama." How could I resist that?

I will update the blog after the tubes and his 3rd Snoopy Birthday party.

14 New things with Wes

My little pumpkin is growing up way too fast.

1. He is standing on his own more and being more brave. I think by Memorial weekend we will have a walker. Getting close!
2. His favorite breakfast is bananas and blueberry pancakes
3. His new sound is sssssss like a snake.
4. When he either burps or farts he cracks up laughing. I think his daddy taught him this one.
5. When he sees something he wants he will point and grunt. If I don't give it to him he melts.
6. He can climb up the stairs so fast. He gets so excited he screams all the way up.
7. He uses anything and everything to help him climb on something.
8. He loves to hold any kind of ball. I think we have a sports man on our hands.
9. Still hates for his diaper to get changed. He has better things to do.
10. Bath time is the best time ever. He is all over the place and loves to stick his face in the water.
11. He is officially off the bottle. He is 100% sippy cup. He only likes to drink out of the straws.
12. I can now push him to skip his morning nap if we have to go somewhere. Mommy really likes this.
13. He loves to sit and look through books. He will even sit on your lap the whole time for you to read them to him.
14. He is now in a size 5 diaper.