The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Well BOOOOO! Mommy brought her camera on Thanksgiving day to take pictures of visiting Grandaddy and then at Auntie Kristin's house. Well got to Grandaddy's and the battery charger was still at home...charging. But had a nice visit with Grandaddy and then we headed to Auntie Kristin's. The boys only got a 30 min nap in the car. Wes was not doing so great because his front teeth that broke through a couple days before were really bothering him. He was a fussy camper and melted after dinner along with his brother. We had to pack up and get the boys to bed. Wish we could of stayed longer but the boys were exhausted from the whole day.

Saturday we went to Gammy's and Papa's for a Thanksgiving feast there as well. We got to see Aunt Suz and Uncle Mac. Nate had a great time riding the big wheel and trying the bike outside. Wes had fun playing and standing on new toys that Gammy had brought up. Nate also had a blast playing on the piano with Papa. Then got home around 3:30 and it was too late to put Nate down for a nap but got Wes to sleep until 6:00. Nate ended up falling asleep on his daddy's shoulder around 5. When he woke up it all went downhill from there. At least we have a day to recover and hopefully get to put our tree up as a family.

My little ham

You can get Wes to laugh all the time. You say "Boo" and he will crack up. Well his new funny thing is when he stands up inside the gate he likes to hang on and throw his head back. Kind of scares Mommy that he might let go and fall on his head. He cracks up and screams when his head goes back. Love it!

GAP and Lynnsey

While we were at Ma's we went over to GAP's (Great Aunt Patsy) house for a visit to surprise Lynnsey and Lauren and watch the UGA game. We had a great time eating and visiting with them. Nate would keep going upstairs to Leah's room and getting her toy's out. He thought her room was so cool!

Visit at Ma's

We went to go and visit Ma's house while Daddy was out of town for his birthday. When we got there it was really cold. We road bikes in the driveway. Wes had a great time in the push car. Nate loved his big wheel and like to go down the hill with it. He also picked Ma's flowers. The first night we went out to Mexican and had a great time.

Unfortunately we had to leave all the sudden Sunday morning. Nate was up all night with a fever. All his meds were at home and I wanted to be closer to urgent care if we had to go. Thank goodness my mom came back with us and helped me with Wes. Nate was so clingy and it hard to watch Mr Explorer that gets into everything. I took Nate on Tues to Wes's 9 Month appt. I was concerned about his ears because it took over 48 hours to break the fever. It was just another silly virus again. We got a note from his teacher that week that so many kids in his class were out sick that week. The end of the virus was a nasty cold which Mommy and Daddy caught. At least Wes stayed healthy!

Wes's ear tube checkup

Wes went in this month for his 1st checkup for his tubes at the ENT. The tubes are in place and look great. We also did a hearing test and he passed with flying colors. There is no more fluid on his ears. yeah! Go Wes!

Wes is 9 months old

In only 3 months I will be celebrating his 1st birthday. I can't bring myself to even start looking at invitations because I still consider him as my little infant. So we took him to his 9 month appt. Only shot he got this time was the flu shot. I was so proud of his stats. For a little guy born at 5lbs 13oz and now his stats almost surpass his brothers. God is so Great! He went up in all his %'s too. I did take his poop in to see if the protein allergy was still there. I have been feeding him soy yogurt a few days before his appt. The test unfortunately came back positive. So we will do it all again at his 12 month appt. Now he is starting table food and I have to read EVERYTHING! Do you know how much stuff has milk and soy in it? But at least he loves his veggies.

Here are his stats:
Weight: 20 lbs 3 3/4 oz (50%)
Height: 28.5" (50-75%)
Head: 46cm (75%)

Here are Nate's stats at 9 months:

Weight 19 lbs 11.75 ounces (25-50%)
Height 29 1/4 (50-75%)
Hanna Head 48 cm (95%)

The new things that he is doing is he is now pulling up EVERYWHERE. He loves to stand. He will cry when he can't hold on anymore because he hasn't figured out how to get down yet. The 3rd stage food it only took him a few days to get use to the chunks. We are working on small items to pick up and put in our mouth. Big items we have no problem. He is talking more with his sounds. Still screams a lot when he is excited. He has almost grown out of his car seat. He will be getting one for Christmas. I hope he lasts that long. He is interacting more with his brother. His favorite places to crawl to are Gabbie's food bowl, the playroom and under anything. He loves to go under the coffee table, his exersaucer, kitchen table. He has started separation anxiety. Every time you leave the room he cries. He is a bundle of joy. Everywhere we go everyone says he is such a happy baby. I love this little guy so much!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is the perfect Holiday card for this year?

This year will be the first year with both boys together on our Holiday card. I have looked everywhere for the right one. I came across Shutterfly Holiday cards . Now to decide do I pick one big one of both of them like ? Will I ever get the perfect photo of just both of them? I have a 50/50 chance of that. So maybe I should something that has more options like this one . Gosh this is so hard to make a decision when has so many great options. All the great Christmas photo cards can be found on

Then after I make that big decision onto the great calendar for my families for Christmas gifts. They were a hit last year when I bought from Shutterfly. I looked at other places due to other deals but nothing beats the quality of Shutterfly. Check out all their calendars Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!! I love the Holiday season!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nate's Halloween Party at school

This year I was one of the mom's in charge of Nate's class Halloween party. They all wore their shirts that they made the week before. I was in charge of the goodie bags and table decorations. They had a great time eating pizza and rice krispy treats. Then they decorated little pumpkin with stickers and a black cat with stickers too! It was a great time!

Looks who is pulling up

So after I was working in the yard I came in and saw Wes pull up for the first time. I rushed and got some shots. He did this on Halloween! He is already traveling a little bit too. Wow this is moving way to fast for me!

Halloween 2010

We had so much fun on Halloween this year. We went to Nanny and Grandaddy's subdivision party. They had a blow up machine for Nate to jump in and other fun activities. Kristin and Roger met us there so they could see them in their costumes. We made it home in time for Nate to Trick or Treat. By the 2nd house he understood what he was doing. He would go up and knock on the door. Then sit in front of the door until they answered and then stood up and took candy out of their bowl. Then he didn't feel like walking the rest of the way so I would have to carry him. I didn't know that was part of the plan. Next year a wagon is much needed!