The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hanna's annual Burt's pumpkin patch & apple farm

Another success to the Burt's pumpkin patch and Hillcrest Apple farm. We got up there early and Burt's lots were already full. We wanted to ride the tractor this year but the line at 10:30 was so long! We got some great shots. The weather was great and very sunny. At the apple farm we did get to ride a tractor. Nate saw a cow getting milked and he was so shocked milk was coming out. His mouth dropped and he just stared. But it was a great time with Gammy, Papa and cousin Lauren. The kids passed out on the way home and the traffic was about 2 miles long to get into Burt's when we left. I will go early every year to beat that traffic!

Update on Wes

On Oct 14th Wes got his tubes. I went back with him and watched him fall asleep. He raised both of his legs up in the air out when he went out. Just what he does when he falls asleep. Then in about 10 minutes it was all over. The nurses stated when he comes back he will be an angel or a devil when he wakes up. Oh he was the devil. He inhaled his bottle. When that was over with, it was screaming! He got so worked up he ended up throwing up over me and him. At least he had a change of clothes. But we got out of there. He finally passed out when I got onto the highway. The 1st 24 hours were a little rough. He kept waking up screaming. So I decided to use the antibiotic drops they gave me. It worked wonders. He was a new baby after them. I just hope this winter is much better than this summer.

Wes is now crawling. He is getting into everything. Everything he sees it will go into his mouth. He loves exploring already. I can't remember the exact date he started but it was around Oct 9th weekend.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nate & Wes in cart together

Today I decided since we were going to Costco we need to see how they do together in the cart side by side. Nate loved it. He started kissing on his brother and held his hand. He loved sitting by him. Wes did a pretty good job. He kept reaching over to Nate and giving him slobber kisses and kept trying to take his cars. They love each other so much and it gives me a warm fussy inside. I hope they become best friends just like I am with my sister.

Wes is 8 months old

Wes has changed so much this past month. He has taken a few crawls but not 100% yet. He is scooting a lot. He still has no interest in sitting up for long periods of time. All he wants to do is roll and explore. His personality is really coming out. He laughs at everything. He has the best smile in the world. He is starting to interact more with Nate. Nate will play peek-a-boo with him and he will crack up. He also gives wet slobber kisses to Nate and he eats it up! He loves his brother so much! Wes is so easy to put to bed (knock on wood). All you have to do is make sure that he has a paci. This paci is not used to suck on it is used to chew on. He chews on everything. He has been doing this since he was born. Never really like to suck on things. He finally cut his first teeth. Yes 2 teeth in one night! That was a long night for Brad and I because he was up screaming. We thought it was his ears again and then at 5am I discovered they both broke through the same time! The 2 teeth came in on Oct 1st. My poor Wes has had the worst trouble with his ears. He has been on so many antibiotics that it is getting ridiculous. Finally we got to see a ENT specialist last week. We decided that with his history and Brad's history with the bad ears that tubes are the best route to go. He has no hearing loss which is so great to hear. We get tubes on Oct 14th. I am hoping this will solve his issues and become healthy again. We did get to weigh him last week and he is now 19.5 pounds. We go next month for our 9 month appt. Hard to believe that time has gone by so fast!

Nate and new things

I haven't done this in a while for my little man Nate. He is doing so well in school. The teachers non stop talk about how sweet child he is. Teachers told me how much he likes music class and he goes around hugging all the girls first and then he will hug the boys. They say he hugs on the girls all the time. He is getting better with his sentences to where you can understand him. The other day he I thought he said "WOW". I repeated it back and he then told me "no mama I said COW...MOOOO". He is still into Thomas the Train and Mickey. He still carries Toodles around with him and plays imagination with it. The funny things that he does is he calls his father "Brad" all the time. "Thanks Brad" "Hi Brad"....He gets it from me calling him that all the time. Tonight he said "night Brad". Brad asked him if he can please call him Daddy. He then says "Night Daddy". Love this boy.

The family meets

Kristin and Roger's family finally got to meet each other. All families had a great time together. We were so glad to finally meet them. Roger's sister, Bobbie, has all boys too. So we got the boys together for a nephew shot and it turned out great. Thank goodness the ages range all over the place and we didn't have to wrangle all toddlers.