The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Monday, April 20, 2009

More teeth!

This weekend was crazy. Saturday we took Nate's 1 year photo's and family shots. We did some inside and then went up to Vickery and got some great shots. The pollen was so bad that both Brad and I had huge allergy attacks. Nate was a little fussy because he is cutting more teeth. I just don't know which ones! The 2 top and 2 bottom are in. The drool is unbelievable. I have to change his clothes at least once a day because he is so wet. Yesterday he woke up from his nap and this one was by far the worst melt down ever! Nothing would satisfy him. We ended up giving him Motrin because we tried everything else. About 30 minutes later he was much better. I keep trying to look in his mouth but it is hard to see without him biting me. Oh and the biting of the shoulder has come back. He bit the heck out of me this morning. OUCH!

Last week I had to take him to the Dr because he had a fever and green stuff coming out of his nose. He ended up having a sinus and ear infection. Our first one and the Dr says we are very blessed that this is the first time he has ever been on antibiotics. We almost made it a year:). He is still coughing and has a running nose. But hopefully by the end of this week he will be back to his old self.

This weekend is his 1st birthday party. We are very excited of everyone who is coming to celebrate his 1st year of life. I just hope it doesn't rain!!!

New things--Gammy brought over the walker for us to borrow. Wow a month makes a difference. He is all over the place going forward and backward. His new love is opening and closing cabinets. I am just counting down the days until I have to rearrange my kitchen and lock up cabinets. I am thinking that is going to be on daddy's to do list very soon!
Still no interest in walking yet. We have tried the walking toys but he is more interested in crawling for right now. But we catch him more and more letting go and standing for about 3 seconds on his own.

9 more days until he is one year old!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nate & the Easter Bunny

Gammy told us today that the Avenue was having a free Easter Bunny pics today. So they met us up there to get our free picture. The Easter Bunny didn't phase Nate at all. He even touched is face. He was perfect!

Hugs and more Hugs

Sorry it has been a while since I updated everyone. I have been out of town the last 2 weekends and sick all last week. Promise I will do better:)
A couple weeks ago Brad and I went to St Pete for a friends wedding and that was the first time we left Nate at home. My mom and Kristin helped take care of him. I missed him terribly but it was so nice not to change a dirty diaper:). He did really well without us and slept a lot. When we came home he had a new thing that my mom taught him...this funny laugh. He would do it all the time. He thought it was hilarious. When we got back he was 11 months old. This picture was so much harder to take but he will not sit still for anything. Well I take that back he will sit still for Baby Einstein videos. Anyway, we had to give him a graham cracker this time to keep him still. He loves his graham crackers! Now that I post this I only have a couple more weeks until his 1st birthday. I have sent out invitations and he is going to have a barnyard theme. It will be so exciting with all our family members here. I can't wait to watch him smash his cake!
Then last weekend daddy kept Nate while I went to Athens to help initiate Leah into Sigma Kappa. Gammy and Papa came over to visit and I heard they had a great time at Taco Mac with Nate.

This weekend is Easter. We are going to church and then to my dad's house. We are going to try today to get his picture with the Easter bunny. Hopefully we can do this. I was going to do it this week but I was too sick to deal with it. Thank goodness I went to the Dr and got shots and meds to help me get better.

New things with Nate...
Hugs...he LOVES giving hugs all the time. He gives them all the time to Gabbie. He loves her so much. Then too of course Elmo. Then the best part is me...he will just crawl over to me and give me one and it makes my day. Now this isn't a hug that he holds his hands out and squeezes you. This is all head. He just leans his head forward and lays down. He also gave a hug to a girl named Ava Grace at My Gym and literally knocked her over.
New thing he does with his daddy is they like to bump foreheads with each other. I think this is his special hug with his daddy. He only does this with his daddy.

Clothes--tops he is in 18-24 months I still can't believe he skip the 12 month shirts in a 2 week time. Pants he still has to wear 12-24 months because the next size is too long. But I noticed last night that these pants that were long 2 weeks ago were just right on him. He is getting too tall too fast!!!
Food-- we are getting better. This weekend I am going to pick up whole milk and try it for his day bottle. He is getting better on table food. Mornings his favorite is yogurt and blueberry pancakes. But things are going to change big time in the next couple weeks while I phase out the bottle. He does very well with a sippy cup. Now lets cross our fingers that whole milk transition will be a breeze!!!