The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Friday, October 30, 2009

18 months and new things

My little man is growing up way too fast. This month he has advanced so much. It is so incredible to watch it. Today we had his 18 month appt. He did excellent. No signs of autism. We stopped his acid reflux medicine this week and so far so good. Takes a good week to see if he needs to go back on. We are crossing our fingers. Teething right now is a doozie. The other night I counted 6 teeth that are about to break through. So far 2 have broke through the skin. No wonder he hasn't been sleeping very well and is cranky at times. The Dr opened his mouth and said "your right he is getting all them at the same time".

Here are his new stats:

Height: 34 1/4 inches (90%) grew almost 2 inches since Aug
Weight: 26 pounds 4 oz (50-75%) gained almost 2 pounds since Aug
Head: 51.2 cm (95% +) head grew little over an inch since Aug

18 new things about Nate
1. Spitting is very few but still into hitting. Throwing is starting now too. 100% boy
2. When we go up the stairs we count while we walk up. He will sometimes say two and three. We seem to always skip saying one.
3. Started using a fork to eat with
4. Starting using two words together "how are you" "see you later"
5. Likes to try on our shoes and walk around. Gets frustrated when he can't get them on.
6. Loves to play in mom's standing jewelry box and put on all necklaces
7. Favorite toy is leggo's still this month. He will put the pieces together and pull them apart and will sit there and concentrate for a good 5 minutes and play.
8. When you are playing leggo's with him he will come over and knock down what you are building and laugh
9. When we go up the stairs I tell him which way we are going (to his room or mommy's room) and he will go in the correct direction
10. Ask him to bring me his shoes and he will bring them to me. Even if I tell them they are in another room. LOVE THIS!
11. Is doing the shapes in the cookie jar
12. Go Go Go is one of his new words to use. He will use it to tell Gabbie to GO Go Go or when we watch football
13. knows how to spin a top
14. Knows how to knock. Will knock on the pantry when he is hungry, knock on the door when he closes it on himself, knocks on the crib when I need to get him....loves to knock
15. He tells me when he is hungry. It sounds like "yuckie". Or he will just go to the pantry to let me know and pick out what he wants to eat. Usually graham crackers or nilla wafers.
16. He loves to play on the marble fireplace. He will lay down on it and put his cheek on it. He sometimes does this on the bathroom floor. Guess because it is a cool place?
17. Is getting how to use crayons on paper.
18. Mickey Mouse is his favorite cartoon. He now says "ickey" and when the theme song comes on he will sing along with it. He loves holding those long notes.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

2nd annual Burt's pumpkin patch and Hillcrest Orchard

Today we decided to head up to the mountains for our 2nd annual Burt's Pumpkin Farm with Nate. The whole ride up except the last 5 minutes it was raining. But once we got there the rain had stopped but boy was it cold and windy. Nate slept most of the way of there so at first he was a little cranky because he just woke up. He wasn't sure what all these big orange things were that we sticking him on. But once we showed him the tractor he was good :).

Then we headed up to Hillcrest Apple Orchard. This is a place you can pick your own apples. I can't wait to do this when Nate is older. They also have a petting farm there too with baby chicks, goats, calf, chickens and pigs. Nate wasn't sure about the goats. To be honest I wasn't either because they started biting my legs. But he really enjoyed the cow. I was so excited about this place because of all the apple treats!!! Yummy! They had tractors there too which Nate loves to play on.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1/2 way there

Here is a new pic of Tater Tot. We are now 1/2 way there and tomorrow I will be 20 weeks. This has gone by so fast!

Nate the climber and gymnast

OK so Nate's new trick in climbing is the window sill of the playroom/office. He wants to get inside my office to see me or play with my office stuff. Well I was out of my "cage" playing with him and I get him in action climbing. Just unbelievable what he does sometimes. He was trying to turn the chair around to climb in it.

The other new trick are headstands on the couch. He also started to do this on the marble fireplace which thank goodness doesn't have a step on it. Just waiting until he can figure out how to go over and that will be so scary on top of the couch.

Just counting the days where he will get his first stitches:). He has no fear!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nate is just like his daddy...

when it comes to gadgets. He loves anything that is a remote control, game control or keyboard.

Nate's first pony ride

Today we had to cancel Burt's pumpkin patch due to all the rain. So we had an opportunity to go up to the Avenue at Forsyth for a free pony ride. It was so crazy up there with all their activities. I don't think we will have a problem with Santa this year because there was a Red Robin bird (for the restaurant they have in there) and he had no problem going up to it and touching it. The pony ride he was a little scared at first but once they started moving he got a big smile on his face.

Friday, October 2, 2009

We have a kicker

I have been feeling fluttering for the past couple weeks but since a couple days ago Tater Tot has been going wild. Last night I got home from a late girls night and Brad was watching TV in bed. I get ready for bed and lay down and all of the sudden Tater Tot is moving like crazy. I put Brad's hand on my belly and he feels a good kick and it flipping around. Such a great feeling! So cool that I can share with him this early. I felt Nate very early (14 weeks) and Brad felt him at 16. This one was a couple weeks behind.

Tuesday we have a 20 week appt (I will be 19 weeks) for our mega Ultrasound. Checking all organs. Brad has been begging and begging to know the sex and comes up with every excuse on why he needs to know:). He even said I could pick the girl's name if he could find out the sex! LOL! Gotta love him for trying.

17 New things about Nate

Lots of growing this month. He is getting to be so much fun!

1. Spitting is here and there but a new has appeared...HITTING...UGH when we tell him No he finds the closest thing and hits it. A couple times it has been us but we nipped that in the bud pretty fast.
2. Calls Gabbie (Gagoo) when we leave his bedroom in the morning. Really cute.
3. He tells Gabbie to "go" when we take her potty or up/down the stairs. I didn't get what he was saying at first until I said it and he repeated it.
4. New favorite word is "hello". I take him into places and he tells everyone "Hello". We were at the grocery store and I went the same time as elderly people and he told each one of them "hello" and they loved it!
5. Another favorite word is Cookie. Muvie taught him this word.
6. Likes to try to put everything in one hand and carry it. Example his shoes.
7. Figured out how to climb on top of the toy box when it is turned around backwards (picture attached). This is now moved out of the playroom.
8. Constantly wants to put shoes on. He already tries really hard to do it himself. He brings it over to us saying "shooooe"
9. We bought him big leggo's and he puts them together and takes apart
10. Is "getting" his toys. He is really playing with some of them that he has never had interest before
11. another favorite word is "uh oh". Now the problem is that he uses this word when he does things on purpose and not on accident. Loves to throw his food on the floor and say "uh oh".
12. Sings to all songs. Really cool when your in the car and he sing a long note.
13. you ask him "where's Nate?" and he covers his eyes and slowly brings them down until he sees you
14. When someone other than "mommy" gets him out of his crib after he wakes up, he gets so upset. He falls down and starts crying. But when I go in to get him it is all smiles. He does this to everyone.
15. When he is trying to do something and can't figure it out he gets so frustrated and gets mad at himself
16. He still only has 2 teeth on the bottom and 4 on top. Right now he is drooling so much and not sleeping well so I am hoping that he is getting more. Food chewing has always been an issue. I hope when he gets a lot more teeth he will eat more things.
17. He now gives kisses. You ask him for one and he opens his mouth and gives you this wet, teeth kiss. Now some other times when he is sitting with me he will press his head up against my mouth for me to give him a kiss. LOVE IT!