The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Monday, September 21, 2009

Floods in ATL and our backyard

ATL is flooding in a very bad way. Schools are closed tomorrow due to roads flooding. Well today we had our own flood in our backyard. To make a long story short there was a mudslide and it came into our yard and covered up the storm drain. With a help of a stranger/hero with Centex came to my rescue and went into the water to clean off the drain. We were inches away for it to come inside the house. We are truly blessed.

While all this was happening and I was freaking out Nate was sleeping. Another blessing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 16 Tater Tot update

It has been a while since I have uploaded a belly pic of Tater Tot. This is 16.5 weeks. I am in maternity clothes now because things were just getting too uncomfortable. I went to the dr about a week ago and the test for Down's Syndrome came back 1/1100 which is fantastic. My bleeding has stopped too and not as fatigued as I was in 1st trimester. I haven't gained anything yet so I know that will change in the next couple of weeks. I lost weight first and now I am back to the original weight.
This past week was a rough because I got virus sick for the first time. First Nate came down with the croup last Friday with a temp and this awful cough. So of course all he wanted was his mommy. By Monday I had it full blown and Brad took me to a minute clinic type place so I could get some medicine. Since I couldn't blow anything out it turned into a sinus infection. So after that then it went in my chest and my asthma flared up with coughing. Really sucks when your pregnant because there are only a few things you can take. But with the help of Brad and my mom I am on the road to recovery. This one really knocked me off my feet. Unfortunately the Dr stated I could not go to Dallas for Kendall's 3rd and Jace's 1st birthday parties. We have been planning it for months and we were all totally bummed that we couldn't go. Things totally change when you have to think of someone in your belly before yourself. We are still trying to get back to 100% this weekend with rest. I tried to stop the humidifier with Nate and noticed today that he was more congested in his chest today. I don't need to have this stuff come back! Brad got a small version of what we got which is a good thing. But we all sound lovely with our coughing:).

I go back to the dr Mid Oct for my 20 week ultrasound to check out organs. I can't wait to see Tater Tot again!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nate sings with Elmo

Yesterday was a very funny day. Nate FINALLY figured out how to make Elmo sing. Singing is Nate's new thing ever since we started music class a couple weeks ago. Well Nate pushes the Elmo button and then all of the sudden he starts singing with him. We couldn't stop laughing watching him. At the end on that long note he squints his eyes like he is singing so beautifully. He must get his singing abilities from the Breedlove side (FYI the Breedlove's can't not carry a tune and I must of passed onto him) LOL!!!