The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wes 1 year stats

We went to Wes 1 year well visit yesterday. He gained 5 oz over the weekend from losing weight from the stomach bug. I was excited to hear that! Before the Dr on Sunday we introduced some "milk" products back. This did not go over well at all. Both nights he ended up throwing up everything he ate. And I mean it was so much that both times he needed a bath. His stomach could not handle it. But took his poop sample in to be tested. The hemoglobin test came back negative which means to milk protein. It does not mean to lactose intolerant. So Dr Penny said we are not going to push things. We will give it to 15 months and try it again and see what happens. Dr Penny is very optimistic. I also address that he will not take his formula from a sippy cup. And I have tried every single sippy cup and every kind of temperature. He looks at it like it is foreign. He does so well with his water in a sippy cup. I just don't get it. Dr Penny said he will give him until 15 months until we have to get rid of the bottle. For now we need to get all the nutrition in him. So I will keep trying with the sippy cup but it is so hard to wash that formula down the sink when it is so freaking expensive.

With his stats he didn't go up alot. He actually went down in his %'s. Dr Penny stated it is because he is so active now. He did go up so he isn't worried at the moment. Here are his stats:

Wes 1 year stats:
Weight: 21 pounds 5 3/4 oz (25-50%)
Height: 29 3/8 inches (25-50%)
Head: 46.8 cm (50-75%)

Wes 9 month stats:
Weight: 20 lbs 3 3/4 oz (50%)
Height: 28.5" (50-75%)
Head: 46cm (75%)

Here were Nate's stats:
Weight 22 pounds even (lower 50%)
Height 31 inches (75-90%)
Head 49.5 cm (95%)

I can't believe how much taller Nate was than Wes. Wow!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wes is 12 months old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

OMG I have a 1 year old. The 2nd child things go by so much faster than the first. His birthday I will never EVER forget. The stomach bug decided to hit the Hanna family. Wes started it on Monday and by Wed the rest of the family got it. It got so bad that Daddy had to go to the emergency room Wed night. Then Nate had to go in the middle of the night/morning (3am) on Saturday. Mommy (thank God) got the mildest version so she could take care of everyone. Mommy never changed so many diapers, given so many baths and so much laundry that the washer/dryer is tired. So with all that said we had to cancel the birthday party. No one was well enough for visitors and who would want to come over and get this? So Mommy felt bad for Wes on his birthday. Yeah I know he knows he has no idea it is birthday but I didn't even have a present for him. So off to the store I go that afternoon to get both boys gifts since we had such a horrible week. I got Wes the Mickey Dance Star and Nate the Buzzlight year. Also balloons. What was the biggest hit? Balloons. Wes will crawl everywhere for with and will reach out when he sees it. We rescheduled the party for the next weekend. It won't be the same because flights had to be canceled and not everyone can make it.
So lets get back to happier things and talk about Wes. Wes is a cruising machine. I caught him the other day standing by himself for 3 seconds. He had something in his hand that took his attention. His new favorite toy is a hair brush. He will crawl around with it and then he will brush his hair. Cutest thing EVER. Kisses kisses kisses. He gives kisses all the time. I love it! Nate did hugs all the time so kisses is so great. It is big wide mouth with lots of drool. The best kisses EVER. Screaming. This is what Wes does best. He gets so excited that he screams to the highest pitch. He laughs all the time still and it is the best medicine if your in a bad mood. When Nate is sent to timeout he always goes over to him and tries to cheer him up. He ends up climbing on him or takes a toy over there and plays with it while Nate is being punished. It happens every time. He is now clapping.
I can't wait for the next year to do the same thing with Nate and write of all the new things he is doing each month.
I love this boy.

Playing with boxes!

The cheapest toy to be played with and in! The boys had so much fun!

Snow storm Jan 2011

The snow storm we got Jan 2011 was horrible. We were snowed in almost all week. School was canceled Mon-Fri due to all the ice on top of the snow. We got about 6 inches but it was the ice on top of it that kept everyone indoors. Well during this week both kids got sick. High fevers and ear infections. I took them to the Dr's on Friday. What a rough week! This picture is of Nate. I asked him if he wanted to go to bed and he said "noooooo". I turned back around and he was passed out sitting up. That is how much he didn't feel good. Poor Nate!