The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wes is 7 months old

My little man isn't little anymore. He is my chunk! He is now in 12 month clothes. Yes 12 months clothes! He is showing big crawling signs. He tucks those legs under and gets on his elbows and rocks back and forth. All he has to do is get those arms straight. He is doing great on the sippy cup. All he likes to do with it is bite it and get the water all on his bib. He drinks every now and then. But he can grab it and place it into his mouth on his own. I have introduced fruits and he is not a big fan. He would rather have veggies. I think I like this;). He will not eat his cereal so I just now put it in the bottle. He would just cry when we would feed it to him. I don't blame him either. He he getting better each week sitting up on his own. By next month he will be a pro!
When anyone looks at Wes they always say he is such a happy baby. And he is. He is such an easy baby and brings so much life into our family. That smile says a thousand words!

Game day in the Hanna house!

Wahoo! College football is back and mom's favorite season to dress up the boys. Man they are going to be confused children. But since the UGA game was at noon and AU was at night, Brad and I came to an agreement. The boys would be in GA during the day and after naps we would switch them to AU colors. I have to say they look really cute in the UGA colors. Go Dawgs!

Nate's 1st day of school

I never thought I would love to see this day come so fast this year. I love my sweet Nate but seriously watching both boys and working was putting a toll on mom. I have been pumping him up for a month now about school. We got a new book bag and he immediately said "that's for school"! I was so excited to hear him say it with a smile on his face. Open house went well. He did spaghetti legs when we get to his room but he saw the chalk board and ran toward it. 1st day of school I have pumped it up all week long. We get there and he does the spaghetti legs at the beginning of the hall. It was really crowded and overwhelming. So to get us through the crowd with Wes in the stroller I had to pick him up. I was greeted by the door by his teacher and she reached out her hands and grabbed him. I gave him a high five and he gave one back to me with a smile. I ran out of there so fast and praying for a tear free day. Got no phone calls the whole day that he was melting. I was excited to pick him up. He was in the hall coming back from inside and ran to me. They said he had such a great day and was a sweet heart. Everyone in the hall was saying how sweet he is. The 2nd day I went to pick him up and one of the teachers was starting a conversation how sweet he is. I was waiting for the "but". There was no "but". They say how this one girl in his class Rachel was having a really tough day. She went into the cozy coupe and Nate saw her. He went up to her and slowly pushed her in it. Very gentle. It is so great to hear that you have done a great job raising your child on the way you want them to be. I think it is never better to have a sweet kind child that helps others in need.

Nate has a big boy bed

We finally did it. Finally had to put Nate in his big boy bed because he started climbing out of his crib. I have to be honest I was really scared about this transition that he would not stay in his big boy bed because we have been so blessed in putting him to bed with out any fuss. It wouldn't stress me if I wasn't working from home and LIVE for naps each day so I can get work done. But of course Nate surprised me again and is doing so great. Now that he has been in it for a couple of weeks he is now getting out of his bed and playing around in his room while he is sleeping but once he hears foot steps he runs to his bed and lays down. Daddy has fun watching this on the monitor.
Can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!

Cousin summertime 2010

We had a great time visiting Kendall and Jace while Erin and Jimmy were looking for a new house in St Louis. We missed seeing Uncle Jimmy because the awful croup came and visited the whole family that weekend. We didn't get to go anywhere. But both boys ended up on antibiotics for ear infections. But onto the fun stuff...Wed we went and spent a couple of hours of playing inside and in the pool. Then on Thursday we went to Monkey Joe's. Kendall and Nate had so much fun going down the slides together. Really cool seeing them doing that together. Jace was very interested in the police car that was there instead of the slides. Then after that we had pizza and played a little more at our house. Saturday the kids came over and we went to take their pictures together with Gammy and Papa. Lets just say that was an adventure in itself. Nate was not into taking any pictures that day. But we did get some good shots. I am sure they were glad when we left the building. Sunday we finally got to see Aunt Erin. We spent the day over there playing our last day together. We are not sure when we get to see them next since they are moving to St Louis in the next month. We wish them the best of luck on their new adventure!