The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wes and some new things

Wes a lot of new things this month. He is holding his head up on his own and is able to sit up in things strapped in. So we have put him in the swing outside, stroller and highchair. Lately he has increased his formula intake and more often. The Dr said this would happen when he reaches around 13 pounds and you might have to start cereal. So on June 14th we decided to give it a try. He kept making so many funny faces and spitting it out. Didn't go over that well. So we put the rest in his formula that he didn't finish. We will keep trying it everyday.

Also on June 12th while I was gone for 24 hours, Wesley decided to ROLL OVER! He did it 3 times while I was gone and I still haven't been able to see it. So no pics to share until he shows his mommy what he can do:).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nate at 4 months

Nate's 4 month stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 15 1/2 oz (25-50%)
Height: 25 1/4 inches (50%)
Head: 43.3 cm (75-90%)

Wes is 4 months old

My little boy is growing way too fast. Once I got all the 0-3 months nicely organized then 3 weeks later Wes grew so much we went up to 3-6 months. So before our beach trip we are getting all the clothes down to wash. The sad thing is that Nate was in 3-6 end of summer and fall. So he doesn't have as much outfits as he did in the previous month. I know he will be in 6-9 soon due to little amount of growth in these clothes. So that means I have to buy all new clothes for him. Oh well I am just glad he is growing so fast and good! The new things with Wes is he can roll to his side. First steps of rolling over! He is now finally reaching for things. His hands are constantly in his mouth. The pacifier is not used that often anymore. Also he is giggling. He smiles all the time and it is such the sweetest smile. Friday we went for his 4 month check up. He has gone up in every %. Dr Penny stated his head doesn't look flat (been working hard to get it reshaped). Also we discussed cereal and he told me to do it when I am ready. I am not ready yet due to all the tummy issues we just got out of. I might try it at 5 months. No rush. He is now sleeping through the night in his own bed.

Weight: 11 lbs 13 1/4 oz 3-10% (gained 3 lbs)
Height: 23 7/8 inches 10-25% (grew over 2 inches)
Head: 41.8 cm 25-50 % (grew 4 cm!!!!)

Now the next post I am going to put Nate's 4month pics up so you can compare. They were actually in the same outfit and I didn't plan it that way either! I will put his stats at this age because I am very curious too!


We went to the beach last week. We first went to Richard & Betsy's. We had such a great time with them and watching the kids play together. We wish we all lived closer to each other. Then we headed to Santa Rosa to stay with Kristin, Roger and my mom. Poor little Wes got sick before we left with a bad cough/cold and ear infection. So he didn't get to see the beach very much. Nate on the other hand loved it! Well most of it at least. As I predicted the sand wasn't a big hit with him. We first placed him in the sand and he froze. So we thought taking off his shoes was a better idea. Well we couldn't get both of them off because he wouldn't put his "naked" foot in the sand. So shoes went back on and we had to carry him to the water. Once he saw the waves he was in love. We kept saying "waves". So he ended up waving to the water. He would laugh and scream every time they would crash up against him. The waves would knock him down and he would get right back up and do it all over again. We did take him to the pool several times and he is getting braver each time. But the cutest thing is every time we left the ocean he would say "goodbye water".