The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day

So I took a photography class this past weekend and decided today I need to get my camera to practice on the boys. Nate loves his little brother. He kisses him all the time and now he is trying to pick him up! I have to constantly keep my eye on him. But he also loves holding his brother too. Love how the pics turned out today! Happy St Patty's Day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wesley is 1 month old

Well here I go again with the monthly pictures. Took some time for me to decide what to take his picture with. I wanted something different than the stuff animal that I did with Nate. So Tonka truck it is going to be. I think it is going to be fun to watch him get bigger with it.

Here is an update on where Wesley is at 1 month old.

I ended up taking Wes to the Dr 3/8 because his Acid Reflux is starting to get bad and we are spending a lot of time crying during the night (like Nate did). Makes for a very tired, non functioning Mommy. Also we found blood in his stool this weekend again. So when I got there he had a poop (blessing that he did it then) and they took it and tested it and it had blood in it. He recommended we see a GI specialist since we have already switched formulas to a non protein formula. Now we have to go on a special type that you have to order through your pharmacy. I have spent 2 hours one morning on the phone with insurance and Dr's. Good news is I found out this formula Neocate is covered by insurance! THANK YOU GOD! I almost started crying because this stuff is $35 a can! Well I thought it was $35 a can until I picked it up at the pharmacy and the sticker said $52.00. But with insurance covering it, 4 cans is $50!! That is cheaper than regular formula. So bless that it is covered by insurance! I called the GI specialist and they can not get us in until the 25th of March. The only way we can get in sooner is if this new expensive formula doesn't work. For the Acid Reflux we are now on the miracle drug Prevacid. I say miracle because that is what worked for Nate and I am hoping that will for Wesley too.

But good news he is still gaining weight! We did not do shots this time until we find out what is going on. Here are his 1 month stats:

Weight 6 lbs 10 oz - 3% (gained 8oz in 2 weeks)
Height 19.5 inches - 3%
Head 36 cm - 10-25%

Aunt Erin and Cousin's meet Wesley

It was an eventful visit when Aunt Erin, Kendall and Jace came to visit. Of course Nate wakes up the first morning with the croup and an ear infection. So we had to wait a couple of days for them to meet Wesley. But Aunt Erin and Kendall came over for a sneak n peak while Nate was taking a nap. Later that week, things worked out but we all ended up getting some kind of form of what Nate had. Even Wesley got a little cold from it. But it was really great to see them. Kendall and Nate had a blast playing together. They really have started socializing more and having more "toddler" conversations. Kendall seems like she is a natural with babies. Can't wait to see the day she becomes a mommy herself! She always wanted to hold Wesley. Jace is getting so big and I can't wait to see him in the next couple of months when his vocabulary blossoms.

Wesley's first bath

Wesley got his first bath on Feb 19th. Lets just say he wasn't a fan and still isn't. Wesley hates to be naked, have his diaper changed or get a bath. He doesn't like for you to bother with him. But Muvie was over and he got his first bath by her. It was tradition in my family to have your mom's mother give them their first bath. Me and Kristin have pics of Muv giving ours and now I have pictures of the boys getting it by their Muvie.

22 months and new things with Nate

OK seriously I only get to do this 2 more months? Where has the time gone? He has grown up to be such a handsome dude!

1. Spitting is few and far between! Thank goodness! Now we just have melt downs. Hello 2's!
2. Sticker Sticker craziness! So we bought this sticker book where you can place stickers on images. Well we give him the sticker and turn it to the page where it goes and he places it on the image. I can't believe it!
3. Kisses kisses kisses...that all he loves to give now
4. School is getting better. He missed 2 weeks in Feb due to Wesley being born and inclement weather day. We had to start all over again but it is getting better. He made his mommy a cookbook for Valentines day with his picture on it.
5. He knows now how to climb up the slide and go down by himself...he is so proud
6. New desdeee (baby Wesley), Hot Dog (mickey), Daisy, Please and many many more
7. He is great with Wesley but he won't let him wear socks, have blankets on him nor have hats on his head.
8. Very into bubbles outside and chases them around the yard and steps on them
9. Gets into his highchair by himself
10. We bought him a booster seat and he LOVES IT. He gets up there all the time and plays with playdoh
11. Bath time has become a big splashing mess! He loves the water!
12. He can take tops off water bottles so you have to be careful where you leave them because he will dump the water out and play in it.
13. He stands at the door while we take at Gabbie and tells her to "go potty". Then he will shut the door when she comes in.
14. He tries to put on his own pants by putting himself in the down dog position and tries to get them on but not very successful
15. He is into doing buckles on all of Wesley's stuff, swing, car seat... He even tries to help me when we put him in his own car seat
16. He says excuse me and he tells us "excuse me dad or excuse me mama" when we do something
17. He now ask to go outside by giving us his shoes and his jacket.
18. He now holds my hand when we are in the parking lot or going somewhere. Before I would have to hold his wrist.
19. Takes any keys and takes it to his crazy coupe and tries to start the engine
20. Still is Mickey obsessed and if I tell him no Mickey he cries and says "Mickey key key No"
21. He spins around in circles now and we think he learned it from music class at school
22. Gives Wesley a kiss every night before he goes to bed. He loves him so much!