The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nate is a BIG BOY!

WOW! AWESOME! Those are the words I have been saying over and over again this past week due to Potty Training Nate!!! He has done AWESOME! I took a week after July 4th off to do it. By the end of the first day he got it. He has only had 2 accidents the whole week which is terrific. He now tells us he has to go. On the first day he even pooped on the potty was a big WOW for me! He was a little scared the first two times but the cheers I did at the end he saw how proud I was of him.

Nap time is a little frustrating because he will have to go and he will panic and I have to run in there and take him. I have pull up's on him but he doesn't know he can pee pee in them. I am OK with that. I have been trying to teach him he is allowed to come out of his room and come and tell me. He has never come out of his room before on his own. I don't know why either, but now I need him to tell me in case I don't hear him because I will be working. Pull up's are not working at night. He leaks right through them. So we have to resort back to the night time diapers until we start seeing changes. He even still overflows night time diapers too.

All in all I am so proud of my BIG BOY! He amazes me all the time. GO NATE!

Father's Day 2011

I just noticed that I totally forgot the Father's Day post. I seriously didn't know what to get Brad this year and my ATL Bump mom's board posts their pics every year of the "dad" pics. I have no idea why I never did it before because it is a super cute gift. But let me tell you it is the hardest gift due to the fact the boys didn't want to take pictures and it was so HOT outside. I had to bribe Nate with M&M's to get him to stand still and hold the letters. When given to Dad he actually got emotional. One of the best gifts ever and I will do it every year to watch them grow!

17 New things with Wes

I can't believe next month Wes will be a year and a half. My little piglet is growing up and really understanding so many things. I know Nate was this age once but it still amazes me all the time.

1. He has more words and now some 2 words. downstairs, snack, I stuck, duck...
2. The other day he was going to bed with Daddy and I said "I love you Wes". He turns around plan as day and says "I love you". Daddy and I just looked at each other with amazement. Awesome words to hear from your child!
3. He loves eating with a fork and spoon and is getting really great with it.
4. He goes to fridge and says snack. He will open the bottom draw and get a buddy fruit.
5. He loves to play with Nate's trains. He will connect them and say "Choo Choo"
6. He also loves to play with Nate's cars. He will take them and do car
7. Says "Mama" non stop. Mama for everything.
8. He is one of the best eaters I know. He will eat almost everything and
9. I can't not eat anything without him coming over to me and says "Mmmmmmm". And will point that he wants a bite. If I tell him no he will have a meltdown.
10. He loves to put on his shoes. He got his first pair of shoes in June and wears them non-stop.
11. When Nate does something to him that he doesn't like he screams and says Mama
12. I tell him it is time to Clean Up and he starts helping me put away things.
13. He loves to sit at the kitchen table and play with toys. We might be getting close to a booster seat but haven't tried it yet.
14. He is teething big time with his molars. Still none but it makes one cranky boy and messy diapers.
15. We will say UMPH and he will cross his arms and say "umph". He learned this trick from cousin Jace.
16. He tries so hard to get up on the couches to sit. It is his favorite place to be. He likes to stand and jump and say mama. He does this to get my attention so I tell him to sit down.
17. When I am getting ready he comes over to me and reaches up so I can give him my makeup brushes. He loves to hold them and walk around with them.

Mr & Mrs Roger Bryant

Kristin and Roger got married on July 2, 2011. It was a beautiful wedding and a great party afterwards. The boys did go to the wedding but I did not have time to take any pics of them because I was so busy. They were so PERFECT! No crying and no meltdowns. Gammy and Papa brought them there and took them back to our house and spent the night with them. We are truly blessed we have such great kids! I will post professional pics of the boys once received.

July 4th Steam Engine Parade

What a HOT steamy 4th of July. The family plan was for all 4 of us to go see the Cumming Steam Engine parade. I was so excited because it would be Wesley's first time. Well that didn't happen because Wesley had a very bad diaper rash (due to his molar's coming in) and we couldn't let him sweat and get hot with that. So I still ended up taking Nate while Daddy watched Wes. We only lasted an hour because it was that hot and Nate asked to go home. He totally loved seeing the trains and the police cars. We were both excited about air conditioning. I hope next year is much better than this year!