The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My sweet sweet Nate

Nate is changing so much and such a sweet brother. He has totally surprised me on how well he is doing. He constantly wants to give him kisses and hugs and wants to hold "babe desdee". So the other night he was giving us his nightly kisses to me and Muvie. Then all of the sudden he went over to the pack n play and on his tip toes he says "mmmmmmmm phaw". Gives his brother Wesley a nite nite kiss. Tears filled up in my eyes and he truly melted my heart. Love that boy!

We have had snow here, 4 inches. The good stuff where you can build a snow man. He has had the best time with his daddy going outside to play.

Wesley and the Bili bed

This bed is such a pain to put up with. I was up constantly checking on him because as you can see the cover gets so close to his face. I was always scared that he would cover his face and he couldn't breath. he would constantly wiggle his way out of it. He is my Wiggle Worm. Friday we got a call from the dr that his levels went down to 10.3. We had to keep him on the bed the rest of the day and the weekend we could give him a break. Monday morning we go back in and check to see if the levels went down anymore or back up. Then we see what we do from there. I am still having to supplement. This is a struggle because now I am fighting with him to take my breast. The bottle is instant milk and the breast take a little time. So I am pumping more and putting in the bottle which is a pain. Trying to keep up with everything since he eats every 2 hours.

His weight is finally going back up. I was getting worried for a while because the hospital told me don't let him get down 7% and he was down 10%. So as a mom I know how important it is to keep that weight going up to keep him healthy. It is harder with the jaundice but we went up another ounce on Friday. I am praying that Monday he goes up a whole lot more so I stop worrying about it. Friday he weighed 5.6 oz.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Welcome Wesley Thomas Hanna

Wow what an amazing ride these past couple of weeks have been. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts these weeks. Here is Wesley Thomas birth story.

On Thursday 2-4, I was officially off bedrest. I had to take Nate to the Dr for those bumps near his eye (bites) and then went to Walmart to get some groceries and other items. My mom was with me to help lift Nate since it was my first day walking around. We had to leave Walmart early because I wasn't feeling right. Got home and laid down for a while and felt better. Then did the normal things to end the day. Went to bed to watch Gray's and Private Practice. While I was dosing off watching PP, all of the sudden I felt a POP. My heart started racing. I had no idea what just happened. I kept feeling down there and nothing was wet. I was like "OMG what just broke". I got up to the bathroom and right when I pulled my pants down the "gush" came out. Called for Brad and he ran upstairs and I said look this won't stop...I think it is my water. It was clear but bloody. So since my mom was still there we got her out of bed and also called the dr. My sister was called to head over. Then I started having small contractions. I was like OMG this is it! We are finally able to meet Tater tot! So we headed to Forsyth Northside. I was so excited that I didn't have to drive to ATL Northside. While I was checking in my water continued to break and went through the pad. Thank goodness I was wearing black :). Well they checked me in and the contractions started to get worse. They said they were going to try to wait until the morning to have the baby by spacing out my contractions since I ate at 7:00 and it was now 11:30. They wanted to try to get my stomach as empty as possible. But they first wanted to check me to see where I was at and if I was in active labor. Well I was at 2cm and the contractions were STRONG. They kept trying to give me my IV but they were so close together that we had to keep starting over. They gave me the contraction shot and some pain meds. The contraction shot didn't space them out very long. She came back in and said the Dr is going to take you tonight. THANK GOD! I didn't know how in the world I would last all night with those! So then the epidural man came in. Funny because it was the same one that gave it to me when I had Nate at Northside ATL. By this time it is 2/5 and I was so excited because this meant that Traci's son Ben and my tater tot will now share a birthday! So very cool!

But here is something I didn't know or nobody explained about Forsyth. When you call your Dr office to tell them your heading they might not have rounds there that night. They have someone at the ATL Northside every night but the Dr's at Forsyth hospital decided to take a different route. Each practice that delivers there has a schedule of who's practice will deliver that night. So it was a dr from a totally different practice that did my surgery. Thank goodness I liked her! Really didn't have a choice.

So they wheeled me into surgery. It was so quite unlike ATL Northside. I was on the surgery table very long time. They said I had a lot of scare tissue. During the surgery I got really nauseous. My BP dropped really low. They had to give me a shot of something to raise it. Then my uterus was softening during surgery. But finally they got him out and he was crying. Born at 1:11am. It took them a while to clean me up and get my BP under control. They got me into recovery so I could join Wesley Thomas. Do you believe I was the only one in there!?!?! It was so nice and I didn't feel like a number. He weighed 5 lbs 13 oz and was 19.25 inches tall. blonde hair. He even latched on with no problem. So perfect! We got up to our room by 3:00am.

The stay at this hospital was so incredible. Staff was great and they take very good care of you. Sunday there are only 7 babies here. Over the top care! The food is not bad either.

Wesley has jaundice. He did pass his car seat test. They have to test babies that are early and under a certain weight. Saturday was a really rough day for me. We couldn't get my pain under control. One point in time I was on 2 pills of morphine and something else and it didn't phase it. I was bleeding a lot more this time around too. But we finally found the combination that worked and it also helped with the bleeding. Sunday I felt so much better and got my IV taken out and could take a full shower. Monday we started off the day off to a bang. Wesley jaundice numbers went up to 95% and he had to be put on a lighted bed. This meant we could not go home. His weight was also down to 10% so we had to supplement with formula after I did breast feeding. They also started taking me off on Morphine and it made me very nauseous. At the end of the day I started having stomach issues. That stuff is deadly! Tuesday woke up to feeling much better and got great news that Wesley is now off the lighted bed. He also gained an ounce over night! Then we got the green light that we can go home! YEAH!

Wesley Thomas is such a joy! He is a lot different than his brother Nate. He hates to be bothered and he will let us know. Nate loves having a little brother. All he kept doing today was giving him lots of hugs and kisses. Nate is also very interested in his feet and constantly taking his hat off.