The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Monday, June 29, 2009

14 months and 14 things

Another month has gone by and Nate is growing way too fast. So here are some new things he is doing....

14 months and 14 things

1. Click his tongue on the roof of his mouth. Don't know how he learned this one but he keeps doing it.
2. Spits at you when you tell him no. We are not very fond of this new talent. We are working on it.
3. Can sit in a chair and stand up and walk
4. Can put pieces of the fridge magnets back in the base. He doesn't have down perfect yet but he is working on it.
5. Throws everything out of his crib before he goes to sleep. When this first happened I thought he fell out of his bed. No just throwing all the books out and loves to watch them fall.
6. "ca" is his new sound for words. We are trying to get him to say Cat but no success yet.
7. He hands you things when you say "thank you"
8. Sharing you bites that you really don't want to have
9. Any book or remote control you hand him upside down he turns it right side up
10. Likes to climb into washing machines. I was in the hall & he has always loved to go into the laundry room. I hear this clang clang and I look in and all I can see is his legs and trunk. He is almost all the way into the washing machine.
11. Can close the garage door opener before we enter the house. He is amazed every time he pushes the button.
12. Dances when he hears music
13. He is a natural swimmer. He loves the pool. He sees it and I can't get him in faster. He moves his arms and legs.
14. He is a walker!! He started walking on June 14th. Now he is walking everywhere. Today he walked from the den to his playroom. When he walks he does the "Hanna Shuffle". It is this side step with a little shuffle. Way too cute.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Raspberries and Roaring

So for the past week or so Raspberries has now become our NIGHTMARE. It was a fun thing to do with him before the toddler days. But now every time we say "NO" he now spits at us. We have tried everything to stop this but it is so hard at this age. We are now trying to ignore his actions because we have given it so much attention.

Now we ask Nate "What does a Lion say?" and he now ROOOAAARS. It is too cute!

Monday, June 15, 2009

More new things....

This past week has been so many new things. Walking and also sitting in our own chair like a big boy. He loves his musical seat. Also I had to take the drawers out on his storage compartment because he kept pulling it out onto himself. So he decided that was the perfect play place. He was entertained for so long!!! Also we think he is saying new works. They don't repeat all the time. So we think his first words could be 'Thank you' or 'Hi Daddy'.

But as I mentioned before how he sleeps with his monkey Nooj. Well I got a shot of him sleeping holding it. It has to be the most adorable thing about him!!!!


Well after Tifni & Joey left our house on Sunday Nate decided to show us he can take steps. We are up to 5 to 6 steps. There is this one shuffle step he does that is too cute. The best part is watching his facial expressions. We got some shots of his new experience yesterday. Our lives are going to change BIG TIME!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trip to the zoo

This past Wednesday we went to the zoo with Traci and Benjamin. Nate looked at the animals but was more interested in his snacks. Benjamin was too cute pointing at the animals and talking to them. There was a giraffe statue in there and I got some really cute shots of them. They have a carousal there and he again LOVED IT! We had a really good time.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

13 months and 13 things

So I am having a withdraw of not taking his picture every month to watch him grow. So I decided to list each month the number of things new he is doing with his age. So here is his new 13 things at 13 months...It is really hard so hopefully I can keep this up.

1. High pitch screams. Loud enough to make your ears ring
2. Throwing. Yes we have learn to somewhat throw everything.
3. ROAAARRRR is what a Lion says. He won't repeat it when you ask but all day long he will say ROOOOAAAARRRR.
4. He can climb on and off his horse
5. Reach things off tables and counters. So now we have to make sure nothing is on the edge of the kitchen table or he will pull it on his head
6. Loves to eat dog food
7. Plays patti cake with you and rolls it up and then at the end waves bye bye.
8. Learn how to let all liquids roll out of his mouth when he drinks. Leaves a nice mess in the highchair.
9. Has moved up another size in clothes!! Yes now in 24 months!!!! SCARY!!!!
10. Can not sleep without his monkey Nooj. He cuddles with it and wakes up to look for it. Also when you come to get him he is standing with Nooj in his hand. Very cute!
11. Pulls every magnet off the fridge just so he can hear the noise on the floor. He will throw them across the room to make louder noise.
12. Getting new sounds everyday and the latest is the letter "g". He talks all the time and looks at you and holds something up like you know what he is saying.
13. Learned to drink out of a straw! YIPPEE!!!!