The Hanna Family
Party of FIVE

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hug your little one

OK I have a quick moment but I had to tell you all this story from today. I go in for a much needed bikini wax. It is the same girl I had last time and I remember our conversation from last time because she has twin boys who is close in age from nate. So I go in and ask how the twins are doing. She looks at me and said "we lost one in Dec". Here I am on the table with those disposable underwear and all I wanted to do was hug her. They both got RSV and one of them didn't make it. So here we both are crying and it isn't from the hair she pulling out of me.

So hug your little one tonight. You never know when one day they could be gone.

Here is her page on facebook if you want to read.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

waving Bye Bye

Bye Bye wave is our new thing. The funny part about it is that he waves toward himself. It is the cutest thing ever! I got some shots of it too. I have tried for the last couple days but he hasn't done it again. You can tell he is really thinking about it.

Also while he is standing we are holding with only one hand. Also he is moving to one thing to another. He will also reach up for you and is standing by himself for a couple seconds. He is getting more brave every day and I am just waiting for him to start walking. I am not ready for that yet because that means my baby will be all grown up.

The last couple of days he has been screaming. It is the I am happy scream and I want to see how loud I can SCREAM. Some of it pierces your ears. We went out to dinner Saturday night and thank goodness we went early because all he did was loud screams in the restaurant. I guess for now we can only go to mexican, pizza or fast food for a while.

We are slowly starting table food. He now has hand eye coordination. New things he has tried is fish sticks, french toast, cheese and blueberries. He is still gagging and vomiting. He will get there just like he did the other stages of food. shirts he basically decided to skip 12 months. This happened over a 2 week period. Got all his clothes in a drawer and he has already out grown them. I didn't even get a chance to wash most of them before he got to wear them. Pants he is still in 12 month because 18 is too long. But in shorts he can wear the 18 months. I can't believe that stage of clothes went so fast.

Today I got a really good shot of Gabbie and Nate looking out the window together. They are best buddies.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My 1st Haircut

Yeah I know you think it maybe too soon to do this but it was getting out of control. The hair on the sides were all the way down to his ear lobe. The back was growing all uneven. So after his play date with the My Gym group, I went by Snip It's for kids. He was really good. Got a little fussy a couple times because he wasn't sure or comfortable about things. But all in all he did pretty good.

Also I think my little sweet boy is coming back. Today was so much better and I am so happy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Did anyone see my sweet Nater?

OK my poor Nater is teething once again but this time is the top front tooth. I can see it but it hasn't broken through yet. We are so fussy right now that I am exhausted. He woke up every 3 hours last night and today wouldn't take a nap because he kept waking up screaming. This morning I brought him down for breakfast and sat him in his highchair which he loves. He was screaming. So I gave him his sippy cup. He looked at me so mean and then threw it across the floor. This was the first time I popped his little hand and told him no. He looked up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and the lip started sticking out. Then here come the tears. He kept looking at his hand and then me. He was so upset with me. The rest of the day was a nightmare.

So if anyone finds my sweet little boy could you please return him back to me. I sure do miss him.

I will let you know when I feel the tooth:)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nate is 10 months old

OK this past month went by way to fast! I am still calling him 9 months old. I am in denial that his birthday party is in less than 60 days.

This past weekend Drew and Megan got married. Christy (my mom's boss) kept Nate during the ceremony and then we brought him to the reception. Poor little man was so tired. He cried when people started cheering. He didn't like all the loud noise. So Brad and I were in the back room most of the time. He finally passed out around 9ish in my arms.

Also on Sunday (which was my birthday) Nate got to see his first snow. He didn't know what to think about it. Just looked at it. We had to rush home from my mom's house to ours because it was getting bad. I was so disappointed when we got home because there was no snow; therefore no pics able to take with him.

Today we got to see Kendall, Jace and Erin for the first time since November. Kendall is talking so much more and Jace has the cutest personality. We will be spending the weekend with them so I will take a lot of pictures.

Not a lot of new things with Nate. He is all over the place. Pulling up on everything.