So I have been slacking on my duties and decided to just skip 19 months. So many changes in the past few months. He has to be one of the sweetest, kindness child I know. He just melts your heart all the time. But don't get me wrong he has his moments. When he is hungry WATCH OUT!
20 new things about Wes
1. Both tubes are out. There are little holes in his ear from where the tubes use to be and we have to make sure they close. Dr Penny said if he didn't have those holes he would be having ear infections again. We go to the ENT in Dec for a check up.
2. He will answer your questions "yeah" or "no no no".
3. He now knows how to open doors. He also loves to close doors.
4. He still loves to read books. When you put him in his crib, he will hand you one more book and say "read"
5. Favorite food is buddy fruit and mac and cheese. He knows how to say both of these words.
6. He has gotten about 8 teeth in the past 2 months. So glad that is over with because I didn't know what happened to my child. All molars and eye teeth at the same time!
7. Loves to brush his teeth all the time. I think he just really likes the feeling on his teeth.
8. He ask for wawer for something to drink.
9. He now walks into his class room when dropping off without hesitation.
10. He always gets good reports from school and brings home lots of art work. Loves to color!
11. He knows how to do puzzles now without help
12. Really good at using his knife and spoon and will ask for them.
13. Likes to point to my ears, eyes and nose and tell me what he is pointing too
14. He now calls Nate by his name "Na"
15. You ask him objects in a book and he can point to them.
16. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty and hates when he falls outside. I have now taught him to dust his hands off and he will do it.
17. Still loves to swing
18. He can sit in the booster seat like a big boy.
19. He tells me when he goes poop and pee.
20. He picks his nose all the time. So gross!
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