The other day I said he was 17 months old and he was actually 18. This month went by way too fast. He is really getting his own personality and doing so many things. I am amazed everyday by how much he is learning from his big brother.
This week we had his 18 month check up. We found out his right tube is not in place anymore. It hasn't fallen out but it is sideways. I am just praying the winter months are good to us and we don't have to get them replaced.
height 32.5 50-75% (has grown an inch in 3 months)
weight 25.8 50% (gained 3lbs in 3 months)
head 49.25 cm 75-90% (grew over an inch)
Here is what Nate's stats were at that age:
Height: 34 1/4 inches (90%) grew almost 2 inches since Aug
Weight: 26 pounds 4 oz (50-75%) gained almost 2 pounds since Aug
Head: 51.2 cm (95% +) head grew little over an inch since Aug
Wow I can't believe they are like almost 2 inch difference but almost the exact weight.
1. Hitting and kicking. These are the bad things that have entered in our world. He does it really bad when he is teething, cranky or really mad about a situation.
2. Teething is horrible right now. I have been saying for almost 2 months he has been teething. I looked in his mouth the other day and it grosses me out! He is getting eye teeth the same time he is getting molars. I am seeing white tips so we are close! Diapers and waking up at night crying are happening so I know we are close.
3. New words all the time. He will repeat words for you all the time. We are up to 3 word sentences. His new favorite word is "that". He will point to something and say "that". Or if you ask him if he wants to do something he has the cutest answer ever...Yeah.
4. Loves to talk on the phone to everyone. Gets mad when you take it away.
5. He loves to go bye bye. He gets so upset if I leave without him. He goes to the door and says bye bye.
6. His other favorite word is outside. He loves to be out there. The weather here has been so hot. Also the mosquito's have been awful and love to bite him. The other day I sprayed "off" on him. The only place I didn't was his face and now he has 2 huge bites on his forehead. Looks like he got beat up.
7. Fearless with water. Took him swimming for the first time at Lauren's. So glad she was there with us because he had no fear. He wanted to do it all by himself and didn't care if he was under water. He would walk down the stairs and go straight in. I can never go to the pool without help.
8. Time out. He has seen this a lot of times the past month. He will go in it and sit for a few seconds. Sometimes he will put himself in it. Pretty funny stuff.
9. He loves to pet Gabbie and give her loving.
10. His favorite show to watch now is Dora. This is due to his brother Nate. They scream when it comes on. He says this word that I don't know what it is yet...ADAT. Nate will now say it with him when the show comes on. Maybe he is saying DORA. Who knows.
11. He still loves to play with cars and trains when his brother doesn't hog them all the time.
12. He loves to color. He asks for the big Tupperware of colors.
13. Nate and Wes's favorite thing to do is take all the cushions off the couch and climb and jump on the chair. I just hope we don't visit the ER soon. They get wild!
14. Poor thing gets beat up by his brother all the time. He will start crying and come in and rub his head. I ask Nate what happened and he said he hit him. Poor baby!
15. His favorite food is still buddy fruit! He eats it like candy.
16. I ask him to do little things like throw something away or get me his shoes and he does it.
17. I will ask him at times if he has pooped or pee pee in his diaper and he will say "yeah" and he will go over on the floor and lay down for me to change him!
18. Loves to be in the bathroom with his brother goes potty and wash his hands just like brother too! I hope this is a great sign of potty training!
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