Do you believe 1/2 year has gone by already? I am still denial my little infant is growing too fast. Wes is now on vegetables. We have to give a little of a time because his tummy doesn't handle it very well. The only vegetable he doesn't care for is peas. I will have to try to make it myself to make it better tasting.
Dr Penny was very impressed with his 6 months stats. When the nurse was measuring things out she said "wow he had a major growth spurt". I was so excited to hear that! I went home and compared his stats with Nate's to see if he has gotten closer. I was so shocked it has passed him in the weight. Very close to being the same height!
Weight: 16 lbs 13 1/4 oz (Nate was 16 lbs 6oz) 25-50%
Height: 26.5" (Nate was 27") 50%
Head: 44.5cm (Nate was 46cm) 75%
We talked about his formula and since he is still spitting up and having spit up of food we said we will wait till his 9 month appt to see how things are going. That way all fruits and veggies will be introduced. If he has stopped the spitting up we can slowing introduce yogurt and start switching his formula. He said 95% of babies he sees get to drink whole milk at age 1. Crossing my fingers that this disappears. He also said that he feels his bottom 2 teeth coming. I just got done with one horrible teether and I am crossing my fingers that Wes is nothing like his brother.
We have been trying to sit him up on his own and he last for like 2-3 seconds. He is getting there. I will give it another month of practice. You lay him on the floor and he is all over the place rolling over both ways. He also started this thing when he is on his back. He will lift his buttocks and arch his back. The other day my mom saw it and she said that is how I started crawling. I started on my back pushing myself with my legs and scooting my head on the floor. Wes looks like he could be following in his mother's footsteps:). Also when he is on his tummy he will raise all the way up on his hands. He is getting stronger! The next few months are going to change all over again for us.
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