My little man is growing up way too fast. This month he has advanced so much. It is so incredible to watch it. Today we had his 18 month appt. He did excellent. No signs of autism. We stopped his acid reflux medicine this week and so far so good. Takes a good week to see if he needs to go back on. We are crossing our fingers. Teething right now is a doozie. The other night I counted 6 teeth that are about to break through. So far 2 have broke through the skin. No wonder he hasn't been sleeping very well and is cranky at times. The Dr opened his mouth and said "your right he is getting all them at the same time".
Here are his new stats:
Height: 34 1/4 inches (90%) grew almost 2 inches since Aug
Weight: 26 pounds 4 oz (50-75%) gained almost 2 pounds since Aug
Head: 51.2 cm (95% +) head grew little over an inch since Aug
18 new things about Nate
1. Spitting is very few but still into hitting. Throwing is starting now too. 100% boy
2. When we go up the stairs we count while we walk up. He will sometimes say two and three. We seem to always skip saying one.
3. Started using a fork to eat with
4. Starting using two words together "how are you" "see you later"
5. Likes to try on our shoes and walk around. Gets frustrated when he can't get them on.
6. Loves to play in mom's standing jewelry box and put on all necklaces
7. Favorite toy is leggo's still this month. He will put the pieces together and pull them apart and will sit there and concentrate for a good 5 minutes and play.
8. When you are playing leggo's with him he will come over and knock down what you are building and laugh
9. When we go up the stairs I tell him which way we are going (to his room or mommy's room) and he will go in the correct direction
10. Ask him to bring me his shoes and he will bring them to me. Even if I tell them they are in another room. LOVE THIS!
11. Is doing the shapes in the cookie jar
12. Go Go Go is one of his new words to use. He will use it to tell Gabbie to GO Go Go or when we watch football
13. knows how to spin a top
14. Knows how to knock. Will knock on the pantry when he is hungry, knock on the door when he closes it on himself, knocks on the crib when I need to get him....loves to knock
15. He tells me when he is hungry. It sounds like "yuckie". Or he will just go to the pantry to let me know and pick out what he wants to eat. Usually graham crackers or nilla wafers.
16. He loves to play on the marble fireplace. He will lay down on it and put his cheek on it. He sometimes does this on the bathroom floor. Guess because it is a cool place?
17. Is getting how to use crayons on paper.
18. Mickey Mouse is his favorite cartoon. He now says "ickey" and when the theme song comes on he will sing along with it. He loves holding those long notes.
Go Nate!!! Wow...he IS getting so big so fast!