Can you believe it? Seriously! It has flown by so fast and I have enjoyed every minute of my little boy. He is getting such a great personality. So also today was his 9 months check up. Thank goodness no shots! Here are his latest stats:
Weight 19 lbs 11.75 ounces (25-50%)
Height 29 1/4 (50-75%)
Hanna Head 48 cm (95%)
Here is his stats from October 29th so you can see how much he has grown:
Weight 16 lbs 6 ounces (25-50%)
Height 27 (75%)
Hanna Head 46 cm (90%)
So the best news is that we get to take him off his acid reflux medication. We will see how he does and any signs of it coming back then we put him back on. But he has pretty much outgrown it because we never increased his dosage and he has gained so much weight.
So also today we visited Nate's Great Grandparents. While we were there he grabbed a shortbread cookie out of my hand. My grandmother said lets watch and see what he does. Um yeah he ate almost the whole cookie! He loved it. So I went to Target tonight to get him stage 3 food and some finger food. He loves biter biscuits! The stage 3 food--not so much. He gagged at every bite. He hates the texture. I am not sure what to do because the dr said this might happen since he has never moved up in bottle nipple size. He said he would out grow it. Wonder what I feed him that he won't gag on? He has been such a great eater I hope things don't change.
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