OK so I am late on this but with my birthday and we all getting sick once again this season it puts mama behind. So hopefully my brain will work well enough to remember things:)
1. He communicates with pointing and grunting. It is the cutest thing ever.
2. He can comb his hair
3. He can put the phone to the back of his head when I say "hello"
4. He can waive bye bye
5. He screams when he gets excited
6. His favorite food is blueberries
7. He learned how to work a snack cup
8. He is a cruising machine. Caught him several times letting go standing on his own.
9. He loves Mickey Mouse just like his brother
10. He gives the best kisses in the world
11. His favorite toy is a balloon.
12. He has moved up to 18 months clothes
13. He still cries when you go to change his diaper or clothes. It is the least thing he likes to do. Other than that he is a really great little boy.