After Santa was over with then we did Christmas with Muvie, Kristin and Roger. We knew if we brought the car out first that he would have no interest in anything else. So Auntie Kristin gave lots of gifts but he really loves the farm set. He saw the animals and pointed out his favorite animal...the COW. She also gave him Mickey Mouse outfits and DVD's. Of course he had to watch the DVD's. Then we all opened our presents and then the joy of the day...the cozy coupe fire truck. He has not left this car since we brought it out. He would probably spend the night in it if we let him. He is in and out of it like 100 times. Then he loves pushing it around to the place he exactly wants it. Then he loves to go for rides in it around the dining room into the kitchen back to the den. He will even sit in it to watch Mickey Mouse. This child is in love with his car. Thanks Muvie!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas with Muvie and Kristin
After Santa was over with then we did Christmas with Muvie, Kristin and Roger. We knew if we brought the car out first that he would have no interest in anything else. So Auntie Kristin gave lots of gifts but he really loves the farm set. He saw the animals and pointed out his favorite animal...the COW. She also gave him Mickey Mouse outfits and DVD's. Of course he had to watch the DVD's. Then we all opened our presents and then the joy of the day...the cozy coupe fire truck. He has not left this car since we brought it out. He would probably spend the night in it if we let him. He is in and out of it like 100 times. Then he loves pushing it around to the place he exactly wants it. Then he loves to go for rides in it around the dining room into the kitchen back to the den. He will even sit in it to watch Mickey Mouse. This child is in love with his car. Thanks Muvie!
Christmas Day
So I have to break this up in 2 posts because one was Santa and the other one was Christmas with my mom and Kristin. There were a lot of photos and lots of things to share. So Brad and I decided that we would just cover his Santa with a sheet. Nate is not interested at all in unwrapping presents. So when we took it off the first thing he went to was sippy cups. $3 sippy cups. He didn't really care about his activity table. He took the sippy cup behind to the fireplace and played with them for a while. Then later I showed him all the DVD's and Mickey Mouse doll that Mommy and Daddy got him. Now he did love Mickey and put Mickey in the car (that my mom got him) and in the wagon. But all in all the sippy cup was a BIG success. Gotta love it!
Schloemer Christmas
Nate had the best time at my Dad's house because he saw the wagon. He played in it about the whole time we were there. He loves opening and closing the door. Also he got a Rust-eze car which has lots of loud buttons that he loves. This is the first time he has ever been interested on getting on a riding car. The ones we have at home don't have all the fancy loud buttons. Nate got a lot of other things but these are the 2 items that he plays with all the time.
Breedlove Christmas
Breedlove Christmas started our Holiday season on the 23rd. Nate wasn't feeling 100% due to ear infection and very bad upset stomach. That night he was passing such horrible gas that I actually got a picture of the reaction. Thanks Lynnsey! It was very funny! Nate got a cute AU chair from Aunt Rita and Uncle Mike. He was very busy into all the presents on the floor. Also Aunt Rita had a lot of snow globes that Nate loved to play with. Thank goodness we didn't break any! I can't wait for next year with 2 new people added to the family--Chuck and baby #2!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Nate and Santa
Nate went to see the real Santa at Phipps today. I didn't know exactly what he would do. Would he cry or would he not really care? Well it turned out he really didn't care. He sat on Santa's lap but all he really wanted to do was get down and explore. He wasn't scared of him at all. He just wanted to do his own thing. The hardest part was getting his picture. He wanted to look at everything else but the camera.
We tried to go to the Pink Pig but the line was insane inside so we decided we would go during the week when Daddy was home for the 2 weeks he is off.
Today was a great day.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Nate and friends
Nate had a few friends come by today to visit. Richard and Betsy were in town and brought Drew and Katie over. Also Kari and Chase came over to join in the fun. Nate absolutely loved Drew. He was so interested in his paci by taking it out and putting it back in. At times he wasn't very gentle. He kept giving hugs to everyone.
Chase and Katie were excited to decorated cookies. They had a great time.
We hope to see them over the Holidays if it can work out.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tater tot at 27 weeks
YEAH! 3rd Trimester! I have been waiting for this week for a long time and it actually has gone by so fast. I have really "popped" these past couple of weeks. He has moved up because I feel kicks up towards my ribs. The only painful thing is my sciatic. At the end of the day I am really uncomfortable. The only thing that relieves some of it is laying down in my bed with the pillows and a heating pad.
This coming Friday is the dreaded glucose test. I hate drinking that stuff. Blah! Then I go to the specialist on the 22nd to see what the due date could be (depending on the placenta has moved).
Toddler cookie decorating party
So I decided to try something new this year and have all of Nate's little friends over for a toddler cookie decorating party. I knew that things could get a little messy and boy they did! I think I will be picking up sprinkles for the next couple of months. I had Nate in his high chair because I had to keep going back and forth to the oven. Plus I knew that all he would be interested in would be eating the cookie and I was mostly right. I helped him decorate with icing and then let him go with a thing of sprinkles to himself. He loved putting the cap on and off. Then I showed him how the sprinkles came out. He didn't hit any of the cookie but he had the best time. The other kids had fun rolling and cutting cookies. I did try this with Nate but he had no interest in rolling or cutting, just eating.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Nate's 1st shower
OK I had to tell this story of Nate this morning because I am laughing at it still. Well I do our normal shower routine. Close all the doors and make sure everything on the counter is out of reach. We also have our cabinets baby proof with rubber bands on them. Well at least I thought. So I am taking a shower (our shower is glass and I can see him at all times) and I heard it got a little quiet. I look over and somehow he got into my side of the baby proof cabinet. And what is he holding...hydrogen peroxide with the lid off. It is going everywhere because he is shaking it. I jump out with shampoo all in my hair and grab a towel and made sure he didn't drink any. I am trying to clean it up like a mad woman while I am dripping soap everywhere. Not good. So then I turn around to take his footed PJ's off because I know he stepped in it but where did he go? I am looking in the closet and couldn't find him. NAAATE...Nate (calling his name). All of the sudden I look over and there he is standing in the shower, PJ's and all letting the water hit his head. He looked like what happened when he got into the sprinkler this summer. I just died laughing. He was having the best time. So he ended up taking a shower with me.
So after the shower I have to go to his room. Yeah remembering at the last minute there are no blinds due to all the water coming into his windows yesterday. Thank goodness I remembered just in time or the builders would of seen a nice naked prego woman getting her son ready.